Vanaf dinsdag 10 september is de unieke tentoonstelling 'Verlangen naar Mekka - De reis van de pelgrim' te zien in Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde.
In deze tentoonstelling over de pelgrimsreis naar Mekka kunt u zien hoe moslims uit diverse landen deze belangrijke gebeurtenis voorbereiden, de reis zelf, de rituelen, en de ervaringen van uiteenlopende mensen komen aan bod. De tentoonstelling is gemaakt in samenwerking met het British Museum in Londen waar deze indrukwekkende tentoonstelling begin 2012 alle records heeft verbroken.
Meer informatie over te tentoonstelling is te vinden op de website van Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde.
In deze tentoonstelling over de pelgrimsreis naar Mekka kunt u zien hoe moslims uit diverse landen deze belangrijke gebeurtenis voorbereiden, de reis zelf, de rituelen, en de ervaringen van uiteenlopende mensen komen aan bod. De tentoonstelling is gemaakt in samenwerking met het British Museum in Londen waar deze indrukwekkende tentoonstelling begin 2012 alle records heeft verbroken.
Meer informatie over te tentoonstelling is te vinden op de website van Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde.
De tentoonstelling is mogelijk gemaakt door AON, de Bankgiro Loterij, National Geographic, Leiden Marketing, Mondriaanfonds, Saudi Aramco, The British Museum, en Universiteit Leiden.
'Longing for Mecca - the Journey of the pilgrim', the first extensive exhibition devoted to the subject of Hajj in the Netherlands, opens on Tuesday 10 September in Leiden's Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology)
For a quarter of the world’s population, Mecca is the place you must have been once in the course of your life. Believers from all over the world head off to the holy city to pray every day, and millions set off each year on the true pilgrimage to Mecca.
Today there are close to one million Muslims living in the Netherlands, for whom the pilgrimage to Mecca is a very important ritual within their religion. The Netherlands is a culturally diverse society in which Islam is taking a prominent role in the lives of many. Therefore Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde aims to provide a polyphone image on Hajj and Islam to create understanding and respect.
More information on the exhibition is available on the website of Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde.
For a quarter of the world’s population, Mecca is the place you must have been once in the course of your life. Believers from all over the world head off to the holy city to pray every day, and millions set off each year on the true pilgrimage to Mecca.
Today there are close to one million Muslims living in the Netherlands, for whom the pilgrimage to Mecca is a very important ritual within their religion. The Netherlands is a culturally diverse society in which Islam is taking a prominent role in the lives of many. Therefore Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde aims to provide a polyphone image on Hajj and Islam to create understanding and respect.
More information on the exhibition is available on the website of Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde.
This exhibition is made possible through the generosity of AON, de Bankgiro Loterij, National Geographic, Leiden Marketing, Leiden University, Mondriaanfonds, Saudi Aramco and The British Museum.